Third Station of the Cross

Subject Matter: Third Station of the Cross ~ Jesus Falls the First Time

Free Religion Lesson from Our Holy Faith, Book 1 Teacher’s Manual

Third Station of the Cross


  • To develop a knowledge that Jesus suffered as man.
  • To instill habits of perseverance in trying to do what is right.


Is it easy for you to do good all the time? Perhaps if you listen to the little story I have to tell you today, you will never stop trying to be good even when it is hard. (Show picture of the Third Station)


Christ Falls Under the Cross

You know why the cross was so terribly heavy that it forced Jesus to the ground, don’t you? Think of how greatly Jesus loves us! Our sins hurt Him and cause Him great pain, but He still loves us and does everything to help us overcome sins and win heaven.

The Cruelty of the Soldiers

When Jesus fell to the ground under the cross, the soldiers whipped Him with their lashes and kicked Him. How much that must have hurt Jesus, for He was already in great pain. When you are tempted to sin, think of how wicked it is to kick a man when he is down. That is just what you do when you sin. You are kicking the fallen Jesus.

We Should Rise From Sin

Although He was terribly hurt and in great pain, Jesus bravely rose from the ground, took up His cross, and continued on His way. When we sin, we fall to the ground too. Jesus wanted to give us an example of courage and perseverance. He wanted us to keep on trying. Can we follow Him and do only the things He wants us to do?


  1. Why did Jesus fall when He was carrying the cross?
  2. Could Jesus have kept from falling if He wanted to?
  3. Why did Jesus want to suffer so much?
  4. What did Jesus  want to teach us to do after we fall into sin?
  5. Was Jesus angry at the soldiers for hurting Him?
  6. How does Jesus want us to act toward people who hurt us?

Virtues and Practices

  • Pray for perseverance in trying to be good.
  • Forgive those who hurt you.
  • Be sorry for the suffering of Jesus.
  • Do something good for someone you do not like, for Jesus’ sake.

Suggested Learning Activities

  • Discussion of how we should react to people who are unkind to us.
  • Study the picture of the third Station.
  • Compose and chart an original prayer.
  • Poem: “Jesus Falls the First Time,” Belger, Sing a Song of Holy Things, p. 63

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