Suggestions from Schola Rosa Teachers:
1. Music and Actions from YouTube Videos ~ Don’t be afraid to filter and use YouTube to find fun songs and actions to go along with history.
2. Matching Games ~ Anything can become a matching game! States with Capitals, Dates with Events, Famous People with Locations, and so on.
3. Scavenger Hunt ~ Create Fact Finds by Passing out Clues about Famous People, Places, or Things, which students must find hidden in the classroom or around the building. Then, they must match the clues to the correct picture.
4. Role Play ~ Any important event in History can be re-enacted by students! Bring props, a basic story, and let the students do the acting.
5. Map Relays ~ With two teams of students, allow each team to have a basket of locations. Students take turns drawing location names from the basket and running to the map to pin them on. The first team to finish, wins!