At our most recent Schola Rosa Check-in, a mother asked how to fit everything in during the week when you are without a co-op. Most of the mothers at the meeting had 4-7 children at home under the age of 14. This was a good group for posing such a question!
Tips that emerged were as follows:
- Begin your school day with your youngest (Preschool and Toddlers). By giving them one-on-one time right away, you build up capital time for their cooperation to free play while you help others.
- Have older students give one-on-one time with your youngest, while you work with others. Alternating the babysitting duties amongst the older children as you work with them on their subjects allows each of them to have time with their younger siblings and allows each of them to have one-on-one time with you, their teacher.
- Once you have your youngest tired out and ready for naps after lunch, this is a great time to work with students who need help with reading, writing, and math, since those students and subjects could really benefit from the quieter house.