Technology - Required for All Courses
- Computer and Internet: Students will be required to have regular access to a computer with internet speeds that allow for video streaming.
Required Books
7th Grade Bundle:
- TPT Primer: Introduction to Logic Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Latin Primer: Introduction to Latin Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Great Books Primer: Introduction to Great Books Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Math Primer: Saxon Math 7/6. Homeschool Kit. Saxon Publishers. 4th Edition. Solutions Manual is required.
- History Primer: All Ye Lands: Origins of World Cultures. Catholic Textbook Project.
- Science Primer: Life Science Quest for Middle Grades by Schyrlet Cameron and Janie Doss, Mark Twain Media, 2008.
- Study Skills Primer does not require a book.
- Composition Assignments are included in the Great Books Primer course.
8th Grade Bundle:
- TPT 1: Logic
- Cothran, Martin, Traditional Logic I - Student Text and Workbook (Memoria Press)
- Nota Bene: The first edition (2000) of the Traditional Logic I textbook will also suffice. It includes both the text and workbook. The third edition books are also available from Memoria Press.
- Kenneth Rolling, Logic 1 Workbook
- Latin 1:
- Latin 1 Textbook. Oxrose Press.
- Latin 1 Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Great Books 1: Ancient & Classical Times
- Ancient & Classical Times Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- A Bible is required, but the student may use one that you already have. Alternatively, you may purchase one since it will be required for GB 2 the next year. Use the 9th Grade's link below.
- Math 1: Saxon Math 8/7. Homeschool Kit. Saxon Publishers. 3rd edition. Solutions Manual is required.
- History 1: Outlines of History: The Jews, the Greeks, & the Romans. Oxrose Press.
- Empirical Science 1: Nelstead, K. Earth Science: God's World, Our home. 2nd Edition. Novare.
Mays, John D. The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare.
Supplies List - HERE
Any Novare published Solutions Manual is also required for Earth Science: God's World, Our Home. - Empirical Science 1: Real Science 4 Kids, Focus on Middle School Chemistry and Physics
- For each subject the Student Text, the Laboratory Workbook, and the Teacher Manual are required.
- The First Edition of these books is no longer in print, and the later editions are incompatible with the course suite. Used copies of the 1st Edition can be found.
- Grammar 1:
- English Grammar for Students of Latin: The Study Guide for Those Learning Latin, Third Edition. Olivia & Hill Press, 2007.
- Studio Art 1:
- Composition Assignments are included in the course suite for Composition 1.
9th Grade Bundle:
- TPT 2: Advanced Logic & Rhetoric
- Cothran, Martin. Material Logic - Student Text (Memoria Press)
- Kenneth Rolling, Rhetoric Workbook
- Latin 2:
- Latin 2 Textbook. Oxrose Press.
- Latin 2 Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Great Books 2: The Christian Age
- Ignatius Bible (RSV)
- Tolkien, J.R.R. Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary
- Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy I: Hell (Penguin Classics Edition, translated by Dorothy Sayers)
- The Christian Age Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Math 2: Saxon Math Algebra I. Homeschool Kit. Saxon Publishers. Solutions Manual is required.
- History 2: Light to the Nations, Part I: Development of Christian Civilization. Catholic Textbook Project.
- Empirical Science 2:
- Introductory Physics. Novare.
- The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare.
- Any Novare published Solutions Manual is also required for Introductory Physics.
- Grammar 2:
- English Grammar for Students of Latin: The Study Guide for Those Learning Latin, Third Edition. Olivia & Hill Press, 2007.
- Composition 2 assignments are included in the Composition 2 suite. No additional purchases are necessary.
- Studio Art 2:
- Beginning Drawing Atelier. This is the same book used in Drawing 1.
- Drawing 2 Kit. Oxrose Press.
10th Grade Bundle:
- TPT 3:
- Nature, Man, and Science Reader. Oxrose Press.
- Nature, Man, and Science Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Latin 3:
- Latin 3 Textbook. Oxrose Press.
- Latin 3 Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Great Books 3: Modern Times
- Modern Times Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Modern Times Reader. Oxrose Press.
- Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Folger Shakespeare Library.
- Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Folger Shakespeare Library.
- Tolkien, J.R.R., The Tolkien Reader. Del Rey.
- Chesterton, G.K. Tales of the Longbow
- Math: Saxon Algebra II Home Study Kit with Solutions Manual
- History 3: Light to the Nations, Part II: The Making of the Modern World. Catholic Textbook Project.
- Science 3: Biology
- General Biology. Novare.
- The Student Lab Report. Novare.
- Composition 3 assignments are included in the Composition 3 suite. No additional purchases are necessary.
- Drawing 1 or 2 supplies listed above.
11th Grade Courses:
- Great Books 4
- Cooper, James F., The Deerslayer.
- Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn.
- De Tocqueville Alexis. Democracy in America. Signet Classics Edition.
- The Federalist Papers (Signet Classics Edition)
- The Anti-Federalist Papers (Signet Classics Edition)
- O'Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories.
- Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop
- Rolling, K. The American Idea Workbook. Oxrose Press.
- Rolling, K. The American Idea Reader. Oxrose Press.
- History 4: Lands of Hope and Promise. Catholic Textbook Project.
- Math: Saxon Geometry or No Math
- Saxon Geometry. Student Home Study Kit. Saxon Publishers, 4th Edition.
- Saxon Geometry Solutions Manual required for parent grading.
- ES 4: Chemistry (Novare)
- Mays, John D. General Chemistry. Novare. 3rd Edition.
- Mays, John D. The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare.
- Supplies List - HERE
- Drawing in Color
- 1 Oxrose Drawing 3 Kit. Includes: Colored Pencils, Water Color Pencils, chalk pastels, oil pastels, 5.5 x 8.5 Mixed Media 100-page Sketchbook, 11 x 14 Mixed Media 60-page Sketchbook. Drawing 1 and 2 supplies may be added on
Electives Courses:
- French 1
- de Roussy de Sales, R. Easy French Reader, 2nd McGraw-Hill Education, 2003.
- Heminway, Annie. Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar. McGraw-Hill Education.
- French 2
- Heminway, Annie. Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar. McGraw-Hill Education, 2013.
- Read & Think French with Audio CD. Edited by the Editors of Think French! Magazine. McGraw-Hill Education.
- German 1
- Leitner, Arnold. German Made Simple: Learn to Speak and Understand German Quickly and Easily. Made Simple Press, 2006.
- German 2
- Leitner, Arnold. German Made Simple: Learn to Speak and Understand German Quickly and Easily. Made Simple Press, 2006.
- Swick, Ed. German Grammar Drills. Drills Series. McGraw-Hill, 2007.