
Art Overview

We have created an Art Program that talks about God as the "author of beauty" (CCC 2129) and therefore teaches children to look at the created world, God's masterpiece, for inspiration and for the "rules" of beauty. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church says, "Arising from talent given by the Creator and from man's own effort, art is a form of practical wisdom, uniting knowledge and skill, to give form to the truth of reality in a language accessible to sight or hearing" (2501). Being mindful of God as our master artist and teacher, the art program also engages the family in a discussion of beauty rooted in the philosophies of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas through art theory handouts and home-follow-up assignments.

 Cycle 1
Principles: Aristotle

18 Specific Skills

Media: Charcoal, Acrylic, Paper Mache, Textiles, Clay, Mosaic, Jewelry
Cycle 2
Principles: St. Thomas Aquinas

18 Specific Skills

Media: Graphite, Homemade and Acrylic Paint, Mosaics, Charcoal, Textiles, Jewelry, Metallurgy, Clay
Cycle 3
Principles: St. Thomas Aquinas

18 Specific Skills

Media: Copper, Pencil, Charcoal, Textiles, Water Color, Oil Paint, Colored Pencils, Wood and Clay, Camera, Pen and Ink


For each unit, there is a general principle of beauty introduced alongside a specific artistic skill. Explanations of both terms and tips are given for parents to engage discussion with their students throughout the week. Five media are taught each year, and we include instructions for each project that are cumulative as the year progresses. Students in K-6th grade are only exposed to works of art that meet the outlined requirements of beauty, and they are given art projects that guide them in the creation of works that follow those "rules." 


Schola Rosa ArtThe art lessons are designed to be used in any grade level. When a project is particularly complicated, there are instructions for adapting the project for younger children. If there are no additional instructions, the project is suitable for all age levels.

The Schola Rosa art program requires teacher-student interaction that develops challenging skills in the student; therefore, many projects will require hands-on help from adults. These projects introduce the students to skills they have not yet learned yet and therefore must be taught. We believe it is important for the teachers and parents to foster these skills, so their children can build upon them as they move forward in art education. All this is to say, “You can do it!” If in doubt, feel free to contact us for the extra support and guidance.


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